Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why Did We Do So Wrong?

One thing I would like to do is open this up for debate, but I'm not sure how to do it on here. One thing I can say is that I get a chance to say my peace.
I have a few BG&C's.. I'm retired Navy and that stands for Bitches, Gripes and Complaints. Ya'll ready?
First... I'm really tired of our representation in Washington, DC. I'm not Obama bashing.. Actually, far from it. But I'm getting tired of our representatives, you know, the spokesperson of the people, doing their own thing. The ones we voted in to represent us. The ones that ain't doing squat, to remember us and that we put them in their position.
Second... Palin... Here's the way I see it. She's down home and a lot of people are scared by that. Not only the ones in office, but the one's doing dishes right now. So what if she wrote a couple of words on her hand..... At least she didn't have a speechwriter put it on a teleprompter!
Third... That kinda boils it down. Our elected has forgotten us, trying to make us better by their own standards, and we forget... the ones that put them there.

Ok... just wanted to do my state of view... but I'll be back soon.