Monday, October 19, 2009

Ever Read the Comments on CNN?

I like to look at the CNN website "Political Ticker" from time to time. Not that much for the stories, but for what people say in their words of wisdom. It's really interesting most of the time. I definitely would not put it on the Republican "must read" list, but interesting to say the least.

I've come to a couple of conclusions on what people have to say on there. One is that everything is Bush's fault. Two, if it's not, it should be.

Sometimes all you can do is laugh. One of the stories I noticed tonight was "Romney hammers Obama on Iran negotiations." In a nutshell, Mitt Romney wants President Obama to stop talks with Iran. He made a statement that Iran is the biggest threat since the fall of the Soviet Union and before that, Nazi Germany. Now, here's the fun part. This is what people had to say:

"Funny he had no issues with Bush and Iraq. Of course politics has nothing to do with it."
[Here we go with Bush]

"Yea.... This is an example of why Obama might have won the Noble(sic) Peace Prize!
Just sayin(sic)"
[What did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize for anyway?]

[That one lost me]

Last, but not least.....

"Geez i am sick of comparing every tin pot dicator(sic) to Nazi Geramy(sic).
This is the pproach(sic) that got us a useless war in Iran. China and the Solviets(sic) will oppose any milarty(sic) option and in case this bozo does not know it China has a practical veto on such a decision.
Does he want a third front we need to fight on.
So what is your plan Romney? Uh don't have one? Uh start another war? oh, do nothing?
Just another just say no GOPer"
[We're at war with Iran? Also, I took ten points off for spelling!]

The stuff you read is just from one story. If you want a dose of "daily intelligence", then read the "Political Ticker" at CNN and get the words of wisdom.

Oh yeah, I read what some of you said about Meghan McCain when CNN felt the political newsworthiness of talking about her picture on twitter. To say the least, most of it was in bad taste and meant nothing more than to insult, embarrass, humiliate, and ... damn, I wish I'd seen the picture. Anyhow, the way I see it. People that live in grass houses shouldn't store thrones. Or words to that effect.

Have a wonderful night and we'll talk later.....

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