Monday, November 30, 2009

Getting it off my mind......

I worte in an earlier blog that sometimes you sit down and start to write and all of a sudden you mind goes blank. This time it's the computer's fault. I had a couple of paragraphs written and all of a sudden the computer locked up. Oh well, such is life.

Anyway, I meant to talk about media bias. I have to admit that the way I see media coverage of the White House is that it has it's head so far up President Obama's butt it's funny. When does the media infatuation end and reality step in.

I didn't vote for the man, but I don't wish him ill. To be honest, I hope he does well.

You probably think that funny coming from a Republican, but I do. The country needs it. We do need change, but I think we're getting funny money. I also think that we're being mislead by the typical "Hey, vote for me" mentality. We need to wake up and look around us.

I consider myself lucky. I live in a small town, but I have a comfortable job. I wish we all did. There's a need for work in this country. To me, we've forgot our basics. We have let ourselves be controlled by greed. That greed is based on the almighty dollar. Not by our nations foundation.

A quick history of us. Our nation was built by outcasts. People that didn't fit into the Queen's master plan, prisoners to devise their own means. We did that. Our nation grew and lived, and learned. We taught ourselves how to become the land of the free.

Now, we have become the land of the free trade. We are outsourcing ourselves to extinction and we need to make a change. To make a quote, "A change we can believe in."

As a nation, we need to let our voices be heard and talk to our political appointees. It may be a Democrat or Republican.. Let our voice be heard... And, mean it.

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