Saturday, November 14, 2009

Really Don't Have A Name For This One...

I'm probably like a lot of people when they sit down and try to put something in their blog. I'm ready to scream at the world, but when that window opens and we have the chance to type, we draw a blank. Well, that's pretty much what happened to me tonight.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Mine has been good so far, been working around the house today. It's Saturday here and we finally got a break form the leftovers from Hurricane Ida. Ida was my grandmothers name.

I live near Washington DC and all we got was rain. Lots of rain. As a result of it, I had to have the septic tank drained, but I'm sure that's the last thing you want to hear me talk about. So, to quote Forest Gump, "That's all I'm saying about that."

Did any of you catch the NASCAR Nationwide Series race today? It's the next to last race and Carl Edwards was the winner. No backflip though, he still is tending to a broken ankle. Kyle Busch didn't clinch the championship, but all he has to do is start the race in Homestead and he's the champion. He finished tenth today and declined to interview and the showed him walking to his trailor. No wonder you hear the boo's when his name is announced. He turns his back to his fans.

Anywho, I'm going to take on some TV and relax a while. Ya'll have a wonderful weekend and I'll talk with you soon.

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